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Fallout New Vegas Perk Tier List: The Best and Worst Perks for Every Build


The Fallout series has been around for a long time. With all of the changes that have been made in modern games, some things have been kept the same up until the most recent installment. One mechanic that players can get involved with is perks. Many fans consider Fallout: New Vegas to be the best 3D game in the series, so we thought we would take a look at the perks available in that game. Below is a list of the best and the worst perks that can be found in Fallout: New Vegas.

Updated December 12th, 2020 by Charles Burgar: Even after a decade has passed, Fallout: New Vegas is still considered by many as one of the best Fallout titles ever released. Some even argue it's one of the best games Obsidian has ever made. With the plethora of well-written quests and content there is to discover, it's easy to see why. It's also easy to see why so many fans love delving into unique builds that involve unique perk combinations. To account for this, we went ahead and updated this list to include some different choices that New Vegas fans might not have considered. As before, we are only including perks you obtain on level-up and not from companions or quests.

Fallout New Vegas Perk Tier List

Finesse will grant 5% increased critical hit chance while Better Criticals grants 50% more critical hit damage. One perk is decent on its own, but both become top-tier when used together. A 5% critical chance boost might not sound great on paper, yet the way New Vegas handles criticals means this is anywhere from a 5% to a 25% critical chance increase based on the weapon. With a high enough Luck stat and the Built to Destroy trait, critical builds can output critical hits repeatedly that are all boosted by Better Criticals' absurd 50% damage increase. Just be sure your weapon has a good critical percentage multiplier before taking both of these perks.

No hyperbole, In Shining Armor is broken. It doesn't work. This perk checks for the "Energy" tag instead of the "EnergyWeapons" tag, which means that this perk never works because "Energy" isn't a skill. Unofficial Patch mods have fixed this issue, but this list isn't taking into account mods. As it stands, In Shining Armor is objectively the worst perk in New Vegas as it doesn't do anything.

What are the Fallout 3 best perks for your game playthrough? In this perk tier list we rate every single perk to help you plan your perk pathway through your Fallout 3 adventure. Driven by your choice of S.P.E.C.I.A.L and broader Fallout 3 build the choices of perks that you take can dramatically impact on your overall power level and some are mandatory for specific builds to work as they should. With these perk choices being permanent and various requirements attached to them having a forward view of the strongest and best perks in Fallout 3 is vital.

In this perk tier list guide to Fallout 3 we rank each individual perk and dive into the details of what makes each perk option good or bad in specific circumstances. Given this article includes all perks there are minor spoilers for Fallout 3 content and the Fallout 3 DLCs.

When deciding on the best Fallout 3 perks the following factors have been considered within this tier list. Similar to other games like Fallout that have a role playing focus the best upgrades for your particular character will often vary based on playstyle and objectives.

The below perk list section details every single available perk in Fallout 3 and is split based on source and then ordered based on level (where relevant). For further detail on each perk refer to the Fallout 3 perk page on the wiki.

This trait would be higher on the list if the negative stat didn't affect perk requirements. Unfortunately, the +2 bonus does not help unlocking new Perception-based perks either, resulting in a perk that is only useful for those uninterested in Perception and looking for an easy way to get more.

Fallout has always let players blaze their own trail with lots of ways to tackle the problems and builds to try out. Guns, melee, snipers, shotguns, energy weapons, unarmed, the list goes on and on for how many playstyles there are, and the perks allow this to be expanded even further.

Perks are the special spice of leveling up in Fallout, giving players a list of traits with strange effects to choose from, and that differ depending on your stats and skills. And out of any game, New Vegas may have the best assortment, accommodating so many playstyles and builds along with several creative options. While the best perks will always depend on the specific build you go with, here are some that are always good to throw on no matter what. 2ff7e9595c

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